Traveling - 10U-14U

Registration Closed!

Registration closes on March 3

The registration fee for the Traveling Program is:

10U: $365
11U:  $390
12U and up: $415 

A refund will be issued for the difference for players that do not make a Traveling team and still play in the In-House league.

Fees for 2-3 tournaments are included as part of the traveling registration fee. Families should also be prepared to incur other miscellaneous expenses at tournaments (admission fees, concessions, etc.). Teams may collectively decide to attend an out of town tournament, which involves transportation, food and lodging expenses.
Tryouts for traveling baseball will be held at St. Anthony High School in early March.
10U: TBD
11U: TBD
12U: TBD
13U: TBD  
14U: TBD


Above listed tryout times are subject to change between now and the week of tryouts, so please check the tryout schedule web page one or two days prior.

Please review the Refund Policy with any questions regarding refunds.

The Registration "" is not currently available.

Steve Munson

Traveling Baseball Director

Phone: 612-207-6545

Jill Speidel

Registration Coordinator